Software Engineer Tristan

3 May 2024

As an intern, I quickly realized that Decos truly invests in your development. Every year at Decos, you're given three goals, one of which is focused on your personal development. This highlights the importance Decos places on personal growth.

Artikel Tristan 2

“Achieving personal goals is highly valued at Decos, which gives me the feeling that my development is genuinely being invested in."


In September 2018, I stepped into Decos for the first time, and since March 1, 2021, I've been a permanent employee. In those 2.5 years, I've embarked on quite a journey: I've had the opportunity to intern at Decos twice, and in the meantime, I've always been employed as a flex worker. What drew me to intern at Decos? Well, the building, of course! Over the past few years, I've gotten to know the company and my colleagues very well. This made me certain: even after my studies, I wanted to continue working at Decos.


The atmosphere! I quickly noticed that Decos is a company that highly values camaraderie. This means that on Friday afternoons, colleagues always stick around for a drink. And when the weather's nice? We're at the beach within 5 minutes! Additionally, at Decos, you're not confined to your department. If you feel like working with other colleagues for a day, you simply choose a different workspace. This way, you're connected with all your colleagues, and we work together to achieve our goals. As a software developer at Decos, you truly work within a team, which was very important to me. I didn't want to work individually but rather collaborate with colleagues to find the best possible solutions.


During my internship, I quickly noticed that Decos genuinely wants to invest in you. It's not about short-term relationships but about helping you achieve your ambitions. This means that together with Decos, you look at where the company is heading in terms of development, but also where you want to develop yourself. This way, we ensure together that you add value to the organization in areas that you genuinely enjoy.

Wereldbol Mars

As a Software Engineer at Decos, my daily tasks involve developing, enhancing, and maintaining our software. Throughout this entire process, I focus on the basic needs of our customers. Do I need to convert something? Are there problems I can solve, or does the customer have other special requests? Together with my colleagues, I strive to ensure the smoothest possible use of our software.

I'm not only involved in programming but also in planning, liaising with the customer, and maintaining the software. In short, it's a broad range of tasks! This sometimes presents challenges, but it's always rewarding when you, along with the customer and your team, achieve the desired outcome!

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